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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The controversial proposal to name the intersection of Church and McDonald avenues "Banglatown" was put to rest last night when Community Board 12 voted in favor of its Transportation Committee's proposed criteria for street name changes.

The four criteria are:
  1. The person for whom the street naming is proposed made an outstanding contribution to the community.
  2. Only the person's legal name and professional title, if any, can be used.
  3. The person lived or worked on that street.
  4. A majority of the residents and merchants on that street must sign a petition supporting the change.
Because "Banglatown" isn't a person, it can't meet the first three criteria.

Furthermore, as explained in "Who Was First on Franklin Avenue?," "the New York City Department of Transportation...stated that a street cannot be named after a country."

Previous blog posts about this topic:
"Church and McDonald: Banglatown or Not?"
"Church/McDonald Not Yet Named "Banglatown"