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Thursday, October 14, 2010


As mentioned in an earlier blog post, at Community Board 12's public hearing on its budget, KARMA requested that the Board ask for benches and trees in front of Walgreens in their Expense Budget Requests & Priorities for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

At last night's meeting of Dahill Neighborhood Association/West Kensington Action Group (DNA/WKAG), KARMA told Councilmember Brad Lander about that request. He said he would follow up on it with the Community Board. He also suggested that residents continue to bring up the issue at meetings of the Board and other community/neighborhood organizations.

Kensington residents have been telling Brad that we want Community Board 12 and the 66th Precinct Community Council to occasionally hold their meetings in Kensington, rather than having every meeting in Borough Park. He talked about it at the DNA/WKAG meeting and advised people to contact CB 12 and the Community Council to make that request.

Community Board 12's website doesn't have much information on it. The Announcements page and the Calendar are blank, and the Resources Directory page doesn't have any resources on it.

At the last CB 12 meeting, KARMA requested that they add information to their website that would be useful to the community, such as an announcement about the upcoming meeting and its agenda, the minutes of the previous meeting, and information about the issues that the various committees are working on.

They told us that they have one full-time and two part-time employees and that those employees don't have time to work on the website. Someone in the audience suggested getting a volunteer to do it. Someone else then volunteered. Hopefully, the website will soon be a treasure trove of information.