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Saturday, September 25, 2010


Does your block need any of these beautification or revitalization services?
  • Trash collection services for a block project
  • Clean-up of a vacant lot
  • Removal of dead trees from tree pits
  • A survey of the block for new tree planting opportunities
  • Woodchip mulch provided for gardening projects
  • A tree stewardship workshop
  • Sanitation enforcement
  • Replacement of broken or worn-out litter baskets
  • Graffiti removal
  • Repair or replacement of damaged or missing street signs
  • Repair of damaged or broken street lights
  • A bicycle rack, speed bump, or street light survey
  • Advertising of projects to recruit community volunteers for beautification efforts
Volunteer-led neighborhood groups (block, tenant, and civic associations and community gardening and school gardening groups) can apply for a Love Your Block grant award for any of those projects. An award entitles a group to
  • A grant between $500 and $1,000
  • Support from city agencies--including the Departments of Transportation, Sanitation, and Parks & Recreation--to help revitalize a block
  • Assistance with local media coverage for a beautification event

Click here for a flyer that provides more details, and click here for the grant application.

Submit your grant application by November 15, 2010.

To ask questions or request an application form, contact Saleen Shah (phone: (212) 822-9566; e-mail: sshah@citizensnyc.org) or January Sanalak (phone: (212) 822-9564; e-mail: jsanalak@citizensnyc.org).

October 11, 2010: Information Session
November 15, 2010: Application Deadline
Early December 2010: Grantees Announced
December 8 and 9, 2010: Grantee Orientation
April through June 2011: Project Implementation