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Monday, September 20, 2010


The City Planning Commission held a hearing on the proposed Culver El project on July 28th and voted on it on August 25th. The Commission found the proposal "appropriate." Its reports on the various aspects of the proposal are linked to on pages 1 and 2 of "City Planning Commission Reports."

Because the project requires multiple actions and a vote on each one, a lead report was issued. This lead report describes the project and all of the requested actions and provides an extensive summary of the public review (pages 1 to 28),
the City Planning Commission public hearing (page 28), the Commission's consideration (pages 29 to 34), and the Commission's resolution (pages 34 to 36). It also contains the borough president's recommendations (pages 37 to 43) and the community board's recommendations (pages 44 to 59).

The City Council's Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises will hold a public hearing on the Culver El project tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. at 250 Broadway, 16th floor. The public is invited to testify for or against the project.