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Sunday, August 22, 2010


From Friends of Greenwood Playground:
We're finishing up our first session and loving it. One mom wrote "I had no idea it would be this fun when my friend talked me into it (I thought it would be some lightweight fitness instructor jumping on the latest fad!)." It's really great and you can go at your own pace. It's as challenging as you need it to be! We all leave the class pretty sore and really proud of all that we've learned.

What is roller derby, you say? It's a team-based roller skating racing game. Our brand of roller derby will not be crazy or too dangerous. It's really just a way to have fun and get fit while learning some interesting skating skills.

The first hour or so is on quad skates (sorry, no in-lines) and we learn the important skills of turning, falling, stopping, skating fast, and more! During the second part we work on strength and flexibility with land drills. Absolute beginners are welcome.

Check out the video. Girls in the Gotham Girls Roller Derby are all shapes, sizes, and ages. It's a great post-baby workout and a good way to make new friends!

You will likely need to purchase some equipment (4-wheel skates, pads, mouth guard, helmet, etc.).

ROOM IS AVAILABLE FOR OUR THURSDAY EVENING GROUP, or join the wait list for the Saturday class.

If you're interested, please e-mail .

on behalf of Friends of Greenwood Playground