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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A message to you from New York City Councilmember Brad Lander, District 39:
Lower your Con Ed bill & join me for a "green homes" party!

I hope you have been managing the heat these past few weeks ... and also managing your summer electricity bills. Cooling our homes can be a huge burden on our budgets, on our city's power grid, and on the environment.

To help lessen the burden, I’d like to remind you to sign up now for our Reduce Your Use – Green Homes Challenge. It’s the perfect way to reduce your energy consumption, learn about how to maintain a more sustainable home, and win prizes.

The challenge begins on August 1st, so please sign up today! In partnership with the NYS Energy Authority (NYSERDA) and Con Ed, we are signing folks up by the day to compete with one another on energy savings. All it takes is filling out this quick online sign-up form: (www.surveymonkey.com/ReduceTheUseD39).

You will need to enter your Con Ed account number, so please have it ready (you can begin the survey without your account number if you don’t have it handy).

Winners will be announced in two categories at the end of the challenge -- the home with the lowest overall per capita electric bill, and the home with the greatest overall reduction in usage over the course of the competition. We’ll also be keeping track of how different neighborhoods stack up against one another, so we can see which is the greenest neighborhood in our district.

Also, I hope you will join me at the kick-off event for the competition on Sunday, August 1st at 2pm at the Old Stone House in Park Slope. NYSERDA, Con Ed and vendors of energy efficient equipment will be there to offer some good starting tips on greening your home.

If you are not yet a part of the challenge, you will be able to sign up at the event. The Old Stone House is in J.J. Byrne Park at 5th Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets. Food and refreshments will be served. You don't have to attend to join in the challenge, but it will be a great way to get started.

I look forward to competing along with you and to seeing you on August 1st! The challenge starts soon, so please take just a minute to sign up right now.

