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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Community Board 12
5910 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11219
(718) 851-0800

Chairperson: Alan J. Dubrow
District Manager: Wolf Sender

A community board has up to fifty volunteer members. The Borough President appoints all of the board members. City Council members nominate at least half of the appointees (divided proportionally based on the share of the district's population represented by each councilmember).

The New York City Councilmembers who currently represent Community District 12 are
  • Sara Gonzalez (District 38)
  • Brad Lander (District 39)
  • David Greenfield (District 44)
Of the fifty Community Board 12 members listed below, Sara Gonzalez nominated the four members who have a (38) next to their name. Brad Lander or his predecessor, Bill de Blasio, nominated the ten with a (39) by their name. David Greenfield or his predecessor, Simcha Felder, nominated the eleven with a (44) by their name.
How many of the fifty board members live in Kensington?

Term expires March 31, 2012
1. Sandy Aboulafia
2. Sol Wahba (39)
3. Yakov Abramou (new member)
4. Margaret Tobin (39) (new member)
5. Jules Fleischer
6. Bernard Freilich
7. Edgar Gluck (39)
8. Tzvi Englard
9. Anna Cali (44) (new member)
10. Joseph Jacobs
11. Larry Jayson (39)
12. Lily Marinelli (38) (new member)
13. Mendel Reiner (44) (new member)
14. Douglas Jablon
15. Sharon Fuchs
16. Mordechai Katz (44)
17. Morton Pupko
18. Peter Rebenwurzel (44)
19. Mendel Zilberberg (new member)
20. Joel Eisdorfer (44)
21. Jacob Daskal (44)
22. Samuel Stober (39)
23. Stanley Sussman
24. Howard Klayman
25. Amy Sicignano (38)

Term expires March 31, 2011
1. Tamar Abraham (44)
2. Yeruchim Silber
3. Chaim Israel (39)
4. Fredrick Cassera (39)
5. Raymond Lee
6. Joan Pastore (38)
7. Alan Dubrow
8. Roberta Feinstein
9. Jacob Hass (39)
10. Jacque Friedman
11. Martin Katz
12. Abu Khalquzzam (39)
13. Tahir Bhutta (44)
14. Edward Handler
15. Lan Chen
16. John Moroni
17. Samuel Israel
18. Andrew Kohen (44)
19. Mordechai Schwartz (44)
20. David Shlomovich (44)
21. Elliot Rosman (38)
22. Morris Senderovic
23. Eli Oiring (39)
24. Moshe Wieder
25. Joshua Weinstein