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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


If you fill out your 2010 census form and mail it back to the Census Bureau, it only costs the government the price of a 42-cent stamp. But if you don't, it costs about $57 for a census taker to visit you and ask you questions in person. Where does the money come from to pay the census takers? From taxes!

To get as many people as possible to mail the form back, the Census Bureau began mailing second copies of the form last week to about 40 million households in areas with below-average response rates in the 2000 census.

In areas with a mail response rate of 59% or less in 2000
, second copies were mailed to every household--even those that have already returned their census form.

In areas with a mail response rate between 59% and 67% in 2000, second copies will only be sent to households that haven't returned their form yet.

The forms will arrive between April 6th and 10th.
If you don't mail back your form by mid-April, a census taker will appear at your door!

Let's get counted and get our fair share of political representation and federal funds from now until the next census in 2020!

Please also see our other blog post about the census.