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Sunday, November 15, 2009


From The Coalition to Save Small Businesses:

The Coalition to Save Small Businesses urges everyone to help end the crisis faced by New York City's small businesses. Join the phone and e-mail campaign directed at New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

If the Small Business Survival Act isn't voted on during the last City Council meeting of the year (December 21st), the bill will automatically die. It will have to be submitted all over again in 2010.

Until the bill gets passed, thousands of hard-working small business owners will continue to pay unreasonably high rent and continue to pay money to the landlord under the table in order to get their leases renewed. And New York City will continue to lose successful small businesses and tens of thousands of desperately needed jobs.

What can you do to help get the Small Business Survival Act passed this year?

Beginning Monday (tomorrow), from
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Call Speaker Quinn's City Hall office to "demand that the Small Business Survival Act be immediately voted out of the Small Business Committee and voted on by the full city council."

Repeat the calls on Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 11a.m.

Ask everyone who cares about the future of our city to get involved. Only public pressure will lead the City Council’s leadership to do the right thing and end the crisis. Regulating property owners who donate to politicians and have influence over them won’t happen without public pressure.

Speaker Quinn’s telephone number: (212) 788-7210

Fax: (212) 788-7207

E-mail: Cquinn@council.nyc.gov

This is the last chance this year to get a vote on this bill. The Mayor and Speaker Quinn have stalled and formed worthless programs that they claim will assist small businesses in the hopes their actions and words will draw attention away from the crisis and the Small Business Survival Act. A real solution is needed to save small businesses and jobs.

Please see http://karmabrooklyn.blogspot.com/2009/10/slip-me-cash-to-renew-your-lease.html for more information about the Small Business Survival Act.